The Skeleton Crew
Join the Skeleton Crew in a Star Wars tabletop adventure set during the Old Republic! As an actual-play TTRPG podcast, you'll experience all the dice rolls critical hits along with our cast!
Latest Episodes
May 4th Special: The Secret of Pickle
May the 4th be with you! Sit down with Gordax and Sskogga as they delve into the nitty gritty of one last score, one last job, one last secret... Chat with the cast and fellow fans on our Discord: htt...
Season 2 Epilogue
Thus ends the adventures of Wes, Sskogga, PAPO, Gordax, Trak, and Bog. Some old friends, some new allies, all a part of the crew. Thank you for listening to another season of our show, and be on the l...
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The Story So Far
Welcome to a galaxy far, far away! In this little bonus episode we'll introduce the members of the Skeleton Crew and get you up to speed on the story so far. We're a group of friends and roleplayers f...
Tatooine - I
Blast off with the Kepler 12 and its intrepid crew as they travel to the desert world of Tatooine to escape the Hutts and gather information about this mysterious buyer, known only as Riad. Wes does a...
Non-Player Characters
Sskogga by Anna Maguire
Wes by Anna Maguire
Damien by Anna Maguire
I'so by Anna Maguire
Crystal Cave by Jordan Anderson
The Skeleton Crew by Jordan Anderson